Semifreddo Logs & Molds


Set of two Plastic Mold for Semifreddo Desserts. Dome 2 Shape

"Mould designed to realize a fancy semifreddo dessert in a few steps: First of all fill the mould with the product, shake it to remove any eventual air bubbleand level the product using a spatula. Then top the bottom with a biscuit layer an put it in the freezer or in the blast-chiller at -4F. To make the removal from the mould easier bathe it with some lukewarm water and using a light a pressure let your dessert comes off from the mold. You can finish the decoration using some Varnish Chocolate Spray . Size 9.29""x4.96"" h2.76"" and 6.77""x3.62"" h1.97"" "

Gelato Equipments and Production Molds
Semifreddo Logs & Molds